Fall 2023


[From the Editor’s Letter]

There’s something about driving through Northern California that doesn’t make sense. The sublimity of its wilderness embodies a romanticized ideal of nature—one that is mistakenly believed to be separate from the industrialized, urban lifestyles we seek asylum from in our modern age. For all the magic and mysticism these landscapes entrance us with, observing the environment through the confines of an automobile begins to feel, in a word, paradoxical.


ACT I: Inland

The cardboard fort

a field in Paradise, CA

Waiting for the day to begin

Sundial Bridge in Redding, California

Do you hear the mountains calling?

Mount Shasta’s Strange Little Town

In the name of Preservation

Grasping for familiarity in Weaverville’s Joss House


The Ripples of Water

Experiencing Bodies of Water in NorCal

Souvenirs: Treasured Keepsakes or Materialistic Mistakes?

A Candid Exploration of Northern California, Travel
mementos, and the Inner Workings of a Modern Materialist

Home on Earth

A Climate Awakening begins in Paradise, California


ACT II: Coastal

The Unveiling of “It”


Stomping Grounds

Unearthing at the Avenue of the Giants

The center of it all

A Journey through The Lost Coast, California